How to Test Your Magnesium Levels: 6 Ways
Your body needs to maintain a healthy level of vitamins and minerals to produce a healthy body and a healthy lifestyle. Being deficient or over-abundant in mineral levels can lead to dysfunctioning organs and even organ failure. One of the most important minerals in the body is magnesium. It helps your body maintain energy levels, blood sugar, blood pressure and keeps your heart, bones, muscles, and nerves in good healthy condition.
Your doctor may order a magnesium test if you show signs of high or low magnesium levels or if you have diabetes or kidney trouble. Magnesium is found inside bones, muscles, and brain tissue. Its location makes it difficult to accurately assess the amount of magnesium in a patient’s body. Regardless, testing methods have been developed to estimate magnesium levels.
Here are the 6 known methods for measuring magnesium levels in the body:
It is recommended to avoid using the blood serum test to determine magnesium levels in the body as the inaccuracy has a high potential to cause misdiagnosis and thus mistreatment.
The blood serum test is well suited and efficient for many purposes but not for measuring magnesium.
After spectral image information is gathered, they run data analysis software to calculate a map for each patient that identifies mineral electrolyte levels and ratios from the sample. The results are then delivered to the health care professional with an advisory risk factor for each mineral. These results can then be used to evaluate a patient's intracellular mineral electrolyte status.
The testing of soft tissue should provide a higher accuracy level of the magnesium in a patient's body versus a blood sample. The EXA test, unfortunately, is also not widely available and it may be difficult to find a lab that can perform the test. If this option is available, it is the current best method for accuracy in measuring magnesium levels in a body. It is also rather expensive.
1. Blood test
The most common and least accurate magnesium test is the blood serum test. It is chosen often due to the ease of access and turnaround time for healthcare providers. The process requires a blood sample to be taken from the patient and delivered to the lab to separate and measure. All the patient experiences is a nurse cleaning a draw point on their arm, a small prick, and then clean up and bandaging. After the results have been gathered, the doctor will estimate the magnesium levels based on the levels found in the blood. This method is highly inaccurate because blood only contains 1% of the total magnesium in a human body.
2. RBC Test
A more accurate test also utilizing blood is the red blood cell biopsy or RBC test. The patient experiences the exact blood sample process as a blood test and may even have had multiple samples taken to run different labs. The difference lies in the lab process. A red blood cell test differs from the blood serum test in only one manner. Instead of testing the serum for magnesium, this test looks into the red blood cells themselves. It is considered to be more accurate but reserved for kidney disorders or diseases due to the longer turnaround time of two to four days. However, the higher accuracy of this test makes it a much better option to test magnesium levels. As much as we may want to gain results as soon as possible, in some situations the fast options can lead to costly mistakes.3. Ionized Magnesium Test
Claimed to be the most accurate blood test, also the rarest, is the ionized magnesium test. Utilizing specialized blood analyzing machines, lab doctors can isolate the magnesium ions found in the body for the most accurate measurement that can be done with a blood sample. The validity of the accuracy of the ionized magnesium test has been put into question as new studies show that the total serum magnesium measurements did not correlate with ionized magnesium measurements in 30% of ICU patients. This does not discount the use of the test entirely but may suggest it needs improvement to the methods in order to provide a more accurate measurement. Ionized magnesium tests are more widely than before but they are still far and few in between. Reliably finding a lab with the capability to perform the test is difficult. It may also be that ionized magnesium measurements are not being used as a measurement method of magnesium levels in the body. While most doctors won’t have the option to request this test, they may not want to until it can be honed in.4. EXA Test
EXA Test, Energy Dispersive X-Ray Analysis, is a reliable noninvasive method. This test utilizes tissue samples scraped from the mouth. Cells from the sample are prepared on slides to be sent to a diagnostics team. The slides are then viewed by an analytical scanning electron microscope. EXA uses a proprietary analysis method to light up the slides with electrons and measure the wavelengths of the released energy to measure unique signatures that identify each mineral element.